How to programmatically create a SharePoint multilingual global navigation with target audiences within a feature eventreceiver.
Creating a SharePoint Multilingual Navigation with Target Audiences

How to programmatically create a SharePoint multilingual global navigation with target audiences within a feature eventreceiver.
I have recently implemented a scenario using SharePoint 2013 and Nintex Workflows 2013 and discovered – what I guess might be – a Nintex-Bug. Searching the web didn’t bring up any results so I decided to document what I have found out. Okay, here we go. Scenario setup I have created a Nintex Workflow collecting […]
We have recently been implementing some Provider Hosted Add-Ins as Add-In Parts and had to face some pretty nasty issues. I want to describe some background around our findings and maybe help you to navigate around the obsicles we hit hardly using client side code such as Java Script and Angular in our Add-In. Basic […]
When creating a Sitemailbox in O365 you may receive an error while the mailbox is created such as: The site mailbox couldn’t be provisioned. The property „DisplayName“ with value „Testproject “ is invalid. The value can’t contain leading or trailing whitespace. In this case the error message is somehow misleading. Yes, tailing white spaces are […]